Investigation on the Genetic Relation of Sorbus Species by Multivariate Analysis and DNA Polymorphism

Kim, Sea-Hyun;Jang, Young-Seok;Han, Jin-Gyu;Seo, Hee-Won;Park, In-Hyeop;Cho, Kye-Joong

  • 발행 : 2007.06.30


This study was conducted to clarify the relation of the species of genus Sorbus in Korea based on multivariate analysis for the morphological characteristics and DNA polymorphism. Twenty-eight quantitative characters were assessed and analyzed by the principal component analysis and UPGMA cluster analysis. From the principal component analysis of 28 quantitative characters, three principal components (PC’s) explained the variation of inter-specific relations among the genus Sorbus. The first PC’s explained 58.95% of the variation with the Eigenvalue of 16.5, and the second and third PC’s showed the Eigenvalue of 8.3 and 3.1 and explained 88.74% and 100.0% of the variation, respectively. Especially, the first PC’s was related in order of the fruit width (FW) and length of terminal leaflet (LTL), petal length (PL), width of terminal leaflet (WTL), and diameter of winter bud (DWB). The second and third PC’s were involved in order of the No. of leaflet (NL), No. of fruit per fruiting lateral (NFL), length of upper rachis (LUR), and diameter of rachis (DR), No. of pistil (NP), respectively. Cluster analysis using them UPGMA method based on the principal components of four species of the genus Sorbus divided into two groups. Group Ⅰ comprises Sorbus commixta and S. sambucifolia var. pseudogracilis, and Group Ⅱ consists of S. amurensis and S. aucuparia. The pattern of DNA polymorphism of the 56 inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers revealed that different taxa shared different sets of bands, and DNA analysis is useful for taxonomic study on the genus Sorbus.



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