The Additivity of True or Apparent Phosphorus Digestibility Values in Some Feed Ingredients for Growing Pigs

  • Fang, R.J. (Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Health and Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agro-Ecology Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, The Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Li, T.J. (Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Health and Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agro-Ecology Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, The Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Yin, F.G. (Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Health and Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agro-Ecology Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, The Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Yin, Y.L. (Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Health and Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agro-Ecology Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, The Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Kong, X.F. (Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Health and Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agro-Ecology Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, The Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • Wang, K.N. (Institute of Animal Nutrition, Sichuan University of Agriculture) ;
  • Yuan, Z. (The Key Laboratory of Food Science of Ministry of Education of China, Department of Food Science & Engineering, Nanchang University) ;
  • Wu, G.Y. (Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Health and Key Laboratory of Subtropical Agro-Ecology Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, The Chinese Academy of Sciences) ;
  • He, J.H. (Department of Animal Science and Technology, Hunan Agricultural University) ;
  • Deng, Z.Y. (The Key Laboratory of Food Science of Ministry of Education of China, Department of Food Science & Engineering, Nanchang University) ;
  • Fan, M.Z. (Centre for Nutrition Modelling, Department of Animal and Poultry Science, University of Guelph)
  • Received : 2006.07.02
  • Accepted : 2007.01.03
  • Published : 2007.07.01


Two experiments were conducted to determine the additivity of apparent or true digestibility of phosphorus (P) in soybean meal (SBM), peas, faba beans, corn, oats, broken rice meal, rough rice meal, buckwheat, and sorghum for growing pigs. Chromic oxide (0.3%) was used as a digestion marker in both experiments. Each experiment lasted for 12 d, which consisted of a 7-d dietary adaptation period followed by a 5-d fecal collection period. Experiment 1 involved 6 diets: the SBM-based control diet; 4 diets with corn, oats, rough rice meal and broken rice meal substituted for SBM; and an additional diet with a representative mixture of the 5 ingredients. In Experiment 2, 6 diets were prepared similarly, except that the tested ingredients besides SBM were faba beans, peas, buckwheat, and sorghum. In each experiment, six barrows with an initial average individual BW of 20.5 kg were fed one of the six diets according to a $6{\times}6$ Latin square design. The apparent and true P digestibility values for the nine tested ingredients were determined by the substitution method. There were no differences (p>0.05) between the determined and the predicted true P digestibility values for the mixture of ingredients in Experiments 1 and 2. However, the determined and the predicted apparent P digestibility values for the mixture of ingredients differed (p = 0.059) in Experiment 1, but not in Experiment 2. These results indicate that true P digestibility values are additive in ingredients containing low levels of phytate phosphorus and anti-nutritional factors, whereas the apparent P digestibility values are not always additive in single feed ingredients for growing pigs.



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