Comparison of the [$^2H_5$]Phenylalanine Model with the [1-$^{13}C$]Leucine Method to Determine Whole Body Protein Synthesis and Degradation in Sheep Fed at Two Levels

  • Al-Mamun, M. (Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University) ;
  • Ito, C. (Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University) ;
  • Fujita, T. (Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University) ;
  • Sano, H. (Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University) ;
  • Sato, A. (Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University)
  • 투고 : 2007.02.01
  • 심사 : 2007.04.17
  • 발행 : 2007.10.01


The [$^2H_5$]phenylalanine model was compared with the [1-$^{13}C$]leucine method to determine whole body protein synthesis (WBPS) and degradation (WBPD) in sheep fed at two levels. The animals were fed either 103 (M-diet) or 151 (H-diet) kcal $ME/kg^{0.75}/day$ once daily in a crossover design for 21 days each. The isotope dilutions were simultaneously conducted as a primed-continuous infusion of [$^2H_5$]phenylalanine, [$^2H_2$]tyrosine and [1-$^{13}C$]leucine on each dietary treatment. The WBPS and WBPD calculated from the [$^2H_5$]phenylalanine model were lower (p = 0.009 and p = 0.003, respectively) than those calculated from the [1-$^{13}C$]leucine method. The WBPS tended to be higher (p = 0.08) and WBPD was numerically higher (p = 0.33) for H-diet than M-diet in the [$^2H_5$]phenylalanine model, whereas the WBPS was numerically higher (p = 0.37) for H-diet and WBPS remained similar (p = 0.79) between diets in the [1-$^{13}C$]leucine method. However, the absolute values and the directions of WBPS as well as WBPD from M-diet to H-diet were comparable between the [$^2H_5$]phenylalanine model and [1-$^{13}C$]leucine method. Moreover, the values vary depending on the use of the respective amino acid contents in the carcass protein when calculating WBPS and WBPD. Therefore, it is concluded that the [$^2H_5$]phenylalanine model could be used as an alternative to the [1-$^{13}C$]leucine method for the determination of WBPS and WBPD in sheep.



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