A Minor Transactivation Effect of GATA-3 on its Target Sites in the Extrachromosomal Status

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Transcription factor GATA-3 is the critical transcription factor for Th2 cell differentiation. In spite of its importance in Th2 cell differentiation, the molecular mechanism for its action in Th2 differentiation is poorly understood. Previous studies have suggested that GATA-3 may be involved in the chromatin remodeling in the Th2 cytokine locus. To determine whether GATA-3 exerts its effect on its target sites in the extrachromosomal status, cell transfection assay was performed. In this assay, 800 bp IL4 promoter-luciferase constructs linked with GATA-3 target sites were transfected into the M12 B cell line, D10 mouse Th2 cell lines, and human T lymphoma Jurkat cell lines with or without the GATA-3 expression vector. The GATA-3 effects on its target sites were minimal in the extrachromosomal status, supporting the previous propositions that GATA-3 functions at the chromatin level by remodeling chromatin structure.



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