단지형 도시근교주거의 현황 및 선호 조사

A Study on the Housing Condition and the Residents' Preferences of the Suburban Housing Complexes

  • 송빛나 (경희대학교 주거환경) ;
  • 주서령 (경희대학교 생활과학대학, 생활과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.25


The purpose of this study is to understand the present housing condition of the suburban housing complex, and the residents' preferences to make their living condition better in Yong-in and Yang-pyeong, Pocheon, Kwang-ju and Kimpo in Kyung-Ki province, Korea. Questionnaire survey has been carried out to figure out the current status and residents' preferences of the Suburban housing complexes (hereafter SHC). The study showed the present status and the demands of people for their houses as a result like the below. First, currently the SHCs are managed by a joint control type, and the preferences of the residents' showed the similar way. Because of this status, the SHC planning is supposed to have the self-governing management and community space to support the activity of their community. Second, most SHCs doesn't have many public facility, in contrast, each house has various exteriors. This result shows the residents want more to develop their own houses' exterior than that of the SHC's public facility. Prior to plan the SHC, a program should be considered to give better understanding to residens what is the complexed life and make them choose what they really want to have. Third, the studied SHCs' renovation activities are commonly focussed on the exteriors. This shows the residents' life style is focussed more on the out-door life. The planning for the future SHC is supposed to have the points that could follow up the out-door friendly situations.



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