Atmospheric Photochemistry in Low-and High-NOx Regimes

  • Kim, Do-Yong (Center for Atmospheric Sciences & Earthquake Research, korea Meteorological Administration) ;
  • Soda, Satoshi (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) ;
  • Kendo, Akira (Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University) ;
  • Oh, Jai-Ho (Department of Environmental Atmospheric Sciences, Pukyong National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.31


Atmospheric photochemistry of $O_3-NOx-RH$ were considered theoretically, to clarify the reasons for the different trends of between the formation of photochemical oxidants (Ox) and its primary pollutants for the Low-and High-NOx regimes. Equations of OH, $HO_2$, and production of ozone ($O_3$) as a function of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and reactive hydrocarbons (RH) were represented in this study. For the Low-NOx regime, $HO_2$ radical is proportional to RH but independent of NOx. OH radical is proportional to NOx but inversely-proportional to RH. $O_3$ production is proportional to NOx but has a weak dependence on RH. For the High-NOx regime, OH and $HO_2$ radicals concentrations and $O_3$ production are proportional to RH but inversely-proportional to NOx. In addition, the Osaka Bay and surrounding areas of Japan were evaluated with the mass balance of odd-hydrogen radicals (Odd-H) using CBM-IV photochemical mechanism, in order to distinguish the Low- and High-NOx regimes. The Harima area (emission ratio, RH/NOx = 6.1) was classified to the Low-NOx regime. The Hanshin area (RH/NOx = 3.5) and Osaka area (RH/NOx = 4.3) were classified to the High-NOx regime.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Sensitivity Analysis of Primary Pollutants on Generating Photochemical Oxidants over the Osaka Bay and its Surrounding Areas of Japan vol.86, pp.6, 2008,