패션잡지 미국 "보그[Vogue]"에 나타난 패션 저널리즘

Fashion Journalism Expressed in Vogue USA

  • Nahm, Soo-Hyun (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles Graduate School of Seoul National University) ;
  • Ha, Ji-Soo (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles Graduate School of Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.01.31


Overflowing of fashion information that is derived from the development of various mass media has rather hindered adopters from appropriately screening fashion information. Thus, responsibilities of fashion journalists who play a role of communicating fashion information have become heavier. Fashion journalism may be defined as 'delivery of modes and involvement in production and logistics'. Since it connects fashion and culture industries with the public by reflecting fashion from diversified perspectives, the role of fashion journalism should never be overlooked in terms of culture as well as industry. This study analyzes fashion journalism from fashion-advanced country by reviewing the fashion journalism from the US, which is so-called fashion-advanced country and analyzing the contents of Vogue USA. This study made a historical review of fashion journalism through a reference study, and from a total of 24 volumes of Vogue USA from January 2004 through December 2005 classified articles by functions, tones, contents, and brands, pictorial records by functions, images, and brands, and ads by brands, quantitatively analyzing them. Further, through a case study it explored those articles and pictorial records which featured national characteristics in the USA, and examined how the fashion journalism in the USA imaged the fashion in the country. In addition, it tried to elicit the characteristics of fashion in the USA as a conclusion by categorizing those images while reviewing previous studies. The results show that Vogue USA features American fashion definitely. Thus, consequently it is easy to find images of American fashion in pictorial records, let alone categorizing them.



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