The Impact of Self-Consciousness, Stress, and Internet Use Control on Internet Addiction Among Adults

자아의식, 스트레스 및 인터넷 사용통제가 성인의 인터넷 중독에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2007.12.31


While earlier research reports focused on Internet addiction among adolescents, this research examines the direct/indirect impact of socio-psychological variables like stress level, self-consciousness (self-esteem, self-control, and self-efficacy), and Internet use control on Internet addiction among adults. The fact that 62.4% of survey respondents were diagnosed as Internet addicts demonstrates that this concern about Internet addiction among adults is valid. This research, first, shows the direct impact of socio-psychological variables on Internet addiction. Low self-esteem, low self-control, high self-efficacy, high levels of stress, and high Internet-use control lead to a severe level of Internet addiction. Second, self-consciousness variables mediate the impact of stress on the addiction, but the mediating role is not so significant as the direct impact. Internet-use control plays as a partial moderator between self-esteem, self-control and addiction. Internet-use control is a useful measure for Internet addition at work. In addition, businesses may take personality, as well as environmental conditions, and organizational management process into account to minimize the impact of the addiction.



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