소비자의 식품안전에 대한 태도와 친환경농산물 구매행동에 관한 연구

A Study on Consumer's Attitude for Food Safety and Purchase of Environment Friendly Agricultural Products

  • 김성숙 (계명대학교 소비자정보학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


This study is to assess the level or consumer's attitude or food safety and their effects on the purchase or environment friendly agricultural products. For these purposes, the survey was implemented to 550 adults who resided in Seoul and metropolitan area. As a results, a lot of respondents perceived the five food hazards, pesticides, food additives, BSE, chemical materials, GMOs as the severest food risks. Results revealed that women, the most educated, married, and the older respondents were more likely to be negative about food safely. And Also, consumer's knowledge of environment friendly agricultural products was lower than the median. The respondents who have bought environment friendly agricultural products were 80.5% of the entire respondents. Also, the educated and the consumers who had the knowledge of the environment friendly agricultural products started to purchase them. The consumers who had higher income, perceived the food hazards(BSE), assessed agricultural products safety negatively, had willingness to pay them and more knowledge of environment friendly agricultural products were likely to purchase them usually.



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