가축분뇨 시용이 총체 벼의 생산성, 사료가치 및 토양의 화학성에 미치는 영향

Effect of Livestock Manure Application on the Productivity of Whole Crop Rice, Feed Value and Soil Fertility

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


본 시험은 논에서 가축분뇨를 활용한 총체벼 재배 시 생육특성, 수량, 사료가치 및 토양의 화학성에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 2003년부터 2005년까지 3년간 축산과학원(수원) 포장에서 시험을 실시하였으며 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 초장은 품종 간에는 추청벼에서 길었으며 가축분뇨 종류 간에는 돈분액비구> 발효돈분구> 발효우분구 순이었다. 주당 경수는 수원468호보다 추청벼가 많았으며 가축분뇨의 종류 간에는 돈분액비구> 발효돈분구> 화학비료구> 발효우분구 순으로 적었다. 시용방법 간에는 수원468호는 차이가 없었으나 추청벼는 가축분뇨 100%구> 가축분뇨 75% + 화학비료 25%구> 가축분뇨 100% + 화학비료 25%구 순이었다. 식물체중 질소 함량은 돈분액비구 2.61%, 발효우분구 1.60%, 발효돈분구 1.33%, 화학비료구 1.07%순으로 가축분뇨를 시용한 경우 모두 높았다. 시용방법 간에는 가축분뇨 100% + 화학비료 25%구> 가축분뇨 75% + 화학비료 25%구> 가축분뇨 100%구 순이었다. 등숙률은 식물체내에 질소 함량이 높았던 처리에서 낮아졌다. 건물수량은 화학비료구에 비하여 돈분액비구 7%, 발효돈분구 15%, 발효우분구 8% 증수되었다. 시용방법 간에는 일정한 경향이 없었으며 품종 간에는 수원 468호보다 추청벼가 증수되었다. TDN 수량도 건물수량과 같은 경향 이었다. 조단백질 함량은 가축분뇨시용으로 다소 높은 경향이었으나 RFV는 화학비료구> 발효우분구> 발효돈분구> 돈분액비구 순이었다. 토양의 화학성은 pH, 유기물, T-N는 대차 없으나 인산은 가축분뇨 시용으로 증가되는 경향이었고 중금속 중 Cu와 Zn은 돈분액비구, 발효돈분구에서 증가되었으나 발효우분구는 대조구와 큰 차이가 없었다.

The experimental work was conducted to determine the growth characteristics and yield of whole crop rice (cv. Suwon 468 and cv. Chuchungbeo) and soil properties using various type of livestock manure application on rice paddy land for 3 years ($2003{\sim}3005$). Compared Suwon 468 and Chuchungbeo, Suwon 468 has longer plant height and more DM yield than that of Chuchungbeo. Among livestock manure type, plant height was longer in order of liquid swine manure (LSM) > composted swine manure (CSM) > chemical fertilizer (CF) > composted cattle manure (CCM). Number of branch on Chuchungbeo had more than that of Suwon 468. Among livestock manure type, number of branch had more in order of LSM > CSM > CF > CCM. DM yield of whole crop rice (WCR) was affected by various types of livestock manure application and increased in order CSM > CCM = LSM. DM yield on the effects of application level of LSM was highest in LSM 75% + CF 25%. Plant diseases such as rice blast, damage by insect, smut, sheath blight occurred in LSM and CSM and there was not significantly different among application level of LSM. The nitrogen content of WCR by CSM was the highest of all treatments and the ripened ratio by CSM was in contrary order. Moreover the feed value of WCR was not significantly different among treatments. Soil pH, organic matter and total nitrogen was not different by LSM application whereas phosphorus content increased by LSM application. Cu and Zn content increased by LSM and CSM application and were not different by CCM as compared to control plots.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Effect of Cropping System and Application of Cattle Slurry on Forage Production and Environmental Pollution in Paddy Land vol.32, pp.3, 2012,
  2. Effects of Mixed Application of Chemical Fertilizer and Liquid Swine Manure on Agronomic Characteristics, Yield and Feed Value of Sorghum × Sudangrass Hybrid for Silage in Paddy Field Cultivation vol.34, pp.3, 2014,
  3. Effect of Seeding Methods and Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates on the Forage Quality and Productivity of Whole Crop Rice vol.35, pp.2, 2015,
  4. Effects of Mixed Application of Chemical Fertilizer with Liquid Swine Manure on Agronomic Characteristics, Yield and Feed Value of Sorghum × Sorghum Hybrid for Silage in Paddy Field Cultivation vol.35, pp.4, 2015,
  5. Study on the Forage Cropping System Linked to Whole Crop Rice and Winter Crop in Southern Region vol.38, pp.4, 2018,