Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education (한국초등과학교육학회지:초등과학교육)
- Volume 26 Issue 4
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- Pages.372-384
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- 2007
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- 1598-3099(pISSN)
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- 2733-8436(eISSN)
Students' Experience and Changes in Perception Regarding Portfolio Based on Learning in Fourth Grade Science Classes
초등학교 4학년 과학 수업에서 학생들의 포트폴리오 학습 경험 및 인식 변화
Kim, Chan-Jong
(Seoul National University) ;
- Im, In-Suk (Sangmyung Primary School) ;
Park, Young-Shin
(Seoul National University) ;
- Park, Hyun-Ju (Chosun University)
- Published : 2007.11.30
The purposes of this study was to analyze qualitatively changes in students' experience and perceptions in relation to studying science using portfolios and any resultant effects on the portfolio itself. Five fourth-grade elementary students from one small city participated in this study. Data was collected through interviews as well as through student portfolios containing the science content matter of two units over two weeks. Observational diaries recorded by a teacher were also used to test the reliability of data collection. All interviews with students were transcribed to develop a suitable network to categorize students' responses. Students' portfolios were analyzed in order to reveal their essential characteristics in combination with their teacher's observational diaries. The results were as follows. First, student perceptions of their portfolios were categorized into three different levels; superficial, extended, and moderate perceptions. The changes in perception could also be divided into three levels; consistent-superficial, unstable, and a progressive-extended pattern. Second, the experience of students with their portfolio were investigated in terms of the following; successfully completing the elements of the portfolio, development of evidence, interaction with peers, teachers, and parents, and the standards of evaluation used for the portfolios. Third, the perceptions and experience of working on the portfolio by students had a number of direct effects on the way in which students actually created and developed their portfolios. Finally, students with positive attitudes towards their portfolios actively participated in the portfolio experience and finally understood what it meant completely. However, students with negative attitudes regarding portfolio based work, did not leave the experience with any heightened awareness of the utility or indeed, purpose of portfolio based work.