Analysis of the Elementary School Participants' Readiness to Write on Scientific Subjects in Science Writing Contest

초등 분야 과학논술대회 참가자들의 과학 글쓰기 능력 분석

  • Published : 2007.11.30


In order to investigate elementary school students' readiness to write on scientific subject, we analyzed the participants' draft in elementary student section [National Student Science Writing Contest] which is sponsored by a daily press. As a first step, we designed an assessment framework to analyze the students' writing. It is composed of three domains: scientific thinking, logical validity, creativeness. Each domain has three sub-domains. By using the framework, seven raters scored the students' inquiry reports. The findings reveal that the students needed the training for scientific writing. Especially they had great difficulty in the sub-domain of 'suggestion of rational alternative solution' in scientific thinking domain, the sub-domains of 'clearness' and 'coherence' in logical validity domain, and in the sub-domains of 'creative problem solving' and 'creative presentation' in creative domain.
