대학 신입생의 수학 기초실력 분석

University Freshmen's Basic Mathematical Abilities

  • 발행 : 2007.11.30


We made an investigation into basic mathematical abilities and made university freshmen an object of this study in order to find out the reason why their capabilities are remarkably behind in studies year by year. According to the survey, we confirmed that recent university freshmen's basic abilities to attend calculus class, right away after entering university, are insufficient for that class. In particular, a matter of grave concern is that score variations are so big despite the equal major of the same university. The aim of the study is to evaluate university freshmen's basic mathematical abilities in nationwide university and to figure out the real situation, then to give assistance to the proper calculus curriculum of university by reflecting the result in it. And also we wish to be helpful to propose proper policy plan in natural science system of highschool.
