Spatial and Monthly Changes of Sea Surface Temperature, Sea Surface Salinity, Chlorophyll a, and Zooplankton Biomass in Southeastern Alaska: Implications for Suitable Conditions for Survival and Growth of Dungeness Crab Zoeae

  • Park, Won-Gyu (Department of Marine Biotechnology, Soonchunhyang University)
  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


To investigate conditions for the survival and growth of Dungeness crab zoeae in situ, spatial and monthly changes of sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), Chlorophyll ${\alpha}$ (Chl ${\alpha}$), and zooplankton biomass were measured in four transects: upper Chatham, Icy Strait, Cross Sound, and Icy Point in southeastern Alaska from May to September, 1997-2004. Monthly mean SST was coldest in May, increased throughout the summer months, and decreased in September. SST was coldest in the Cross Sound transect, intermediate in the upper Chatham and Icy Strait transects, and warmest in the Icy Point transect. SSS of northern stations in the upper Chatham and Icy Strait transects decreased throughout the summer months and increased in September, while that of other transects did not vary. Monthly mean Chl ${\alpha}$ was highest in May and decreased thereafter. Chl ${\alpha}$ in the upper Chatham and Icy Strait transects were relatively higher from May through September than those in the Cross Sound and Icy Point transects. Mean zooplankton biomass was highest in the Icy Strait transect in May and lowest in the Icy Point transect in September. This research suggests that oceanographic conditions during the season of Dungeness crab zoeae in southeastern Alaska may not constrain the survival and growth of Dungeness crab zoeae.



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피인용 문헌

  1. 독도 근해 홍게(Chionoecetes japonicus) 유생의 출현시기와 분포 vol.45, pp.6, 2007,