해수의 대장균군과 분변계대장균의 검출률 비교 분석

Comparative Analysis of Total and Fecal Coliforms in Sea Water

  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


Seafood, if eaten raw, carries the risk of food poisoning. Seafood poisoning is often caused by pathogenic microorganisms originating from fecal contamination, such as Salmonella sp. and norovirus. Fecal coliforms are an important indicator of fecal contamination. Therefore, data on fecal coliforms are very important for evaluating the safety of fisheries in coastal areas. In this study, 2,226 sea water samples were collected from the southeast coast of Korea, and total and fecal coliforms were compared and analyzed. Total coliforms were detected in 76.5% of the samples and 71.4% of the total coliforms were fecal coliforms. At sea water temperatures above $20.0^{\circ}C$, total coliforms were found in 78.8% of the samples and fecal coliforms constituted 72.0% of the total coliforms. In sea water below $19.9^{\circ}C$, the respective values were 74.6% and 70.9%. These results suggest that temperature does not have a significant effect on the detection of fecal coliforms. When the salinity exceeded 30.0%o, total coliforms were found in 72.1% of the samples and fecal coliforms constituted 66.0% of these. At salinities below 29.9%o, the respective values for total and fecal coliforms were 90.4% and 85.2%. These results strongly suggest that the detection of fecal coliforms is proportional to the amount of precipitation.



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