Estimation of Compressive Strength of Fly Ash Concrete subjected to High Temperature

고온조건하에서 플라이애시를 사용한 콘크리트의 압축강도증진 해석

  • Published : 2006.09.01


In this paper, the estimation of compressive strength of concrete incorporating fly ash subjected to high temperature is discussed. Ordinary Portland cement and fly ash cement(30% of fly ash) were used, respectively. Water to binder ration ranging from 30% to 60% and curing temperature ranging from $20^{\circ}C{\sim}65^{\circ}C$ were also adopted for the experimental parameters. According to results, at the high temperature, FAC had higher strength development at early age than OPC concrete and it kept its high strength development at later age due to accelerated pozzolanic reaction subjected to high temperature. For strength estimation, Logistic model based on maturity equation and Carino model based on equivalent age were applied to verify the availability of estimation model. It shows that fair agreements between calculated values and measured values were obtained evaluating compressive strength with logistic curve. The application of logistic model at high temperature had remarkable deviations in the same maturity. Whereas, the application of Carino model showed good agreements between calculated values and measured ones regardless of type of cement and W/B. However, some correction factors should be considered to enhance the accuracy of strength estimation of concrete.



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