Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy (한국해양환경ㆍ에너지학회지)
- Volume 9 Issue 2
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- Pages.92-97
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- 2006
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- 2288-0089(pISSN)
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- 2288-081X(eISSN)
Effect of Stern Wedge on the Wave Making Resistance of Chine Hull Form
선미 웨지가 차인선형의 조파저항에 미치는 영향
- Lee Dae-Hoon (Department of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Chungnam National University) ;
- Lew Jae-Moon (Department of Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Chungnam National University) ;
Kang Dae-Sun
(Korean Society of Ship Inspection & Technology)
- Published : 2006.05.01
Hull forms of a high speed small boat have been developed through numerical studies. A round bilge type hull form has been drived form a using chine hull form with HCAD, a hull form variation software. Wave resistance and the flow fields around the ships have been computed using well-known software, WAVIS. This software employs Rankine source method with non-linear tree surface condition as well as dry transom boundary conditions. The round bilge hull form showed better resistance performance than to the chine hull form for the whole speed range. However, considering the building and labor costs of the small shipyard, the chine hull form has been selected and its wave resistance characteristics has been improved by modifying the bow regions and applying the stem wedge. It is found that the effect of stem wedge is quite satisfactory to improve the resistance characteristics of high speed chine hull form.
수치계산을 통해 소형 고속선의 선형설계를 수행하였다. 선형변환 프로그램인 HCAD를 사용하고 차인형 선형을 기준선으로 하여 둥근바닥 선형을 설계하였다. WAVIS를 시용하여 두 가지 선형에 대한 선체주위의 유동장과 조파저항 계산 결과를 보였다. 차인형 선형의 저항특성이 둥근 바닥선형에 비해 다소 크게 나타났으나 소형 조선소의 건조비를 감안하여 차인형 선형의 선수부 개량과 선미 웨지의 설계를 통해 조파저항의 감소를 시도하였다. 수치계산 결과 선미 웨지의 적용에 의해 차인형 선형의 조파저항성능이 고속영역에서 개선되었음을 확인하였다.