철도 민자역사의 효율적 개발 방안 연구

A Study on the Effective Development of Privately Financed Station Buildings

  • 김병오 (한국철도공사 사옥건립추진단) ;
  • 정재호 (목원대학교 부동산학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.08.01


This study examines the current state of and the problems in privately financed station in Korea, and makes suggestions for improving future development of stations. Problems found in this research are as follows. First. the deployment of resting facilities needs to be planned according to whether the users of privately financed station buildings are electric railway passengers or national railway ones. Second, large scale developments with the object of raising operating revenues should be restrained. Third, there are not sufficient spaces for public benefit such as squares in front of stations. Fourth, the surroundings are congested due to lack of connection to neighboring areas through public transportation. Fifth, the absence of integrated development plans causes many inadequate effects on urban functions and views. Sixth, administrative processes for getting licenses and permits are complicated and relevant authorities are not cooperative. To solve these problems in privately financed station buildings, to contribute to the development of the community and to secure publicness, Many problems are not in station buildings themselves but come from insufficient consideration of relevant factors in constructing the buildings Thus, future development of station buildings and their surrounding areas should be planned in consideration of these problems. We expect that the development of areas surrounding railway stations not only improves railway stations themselves but also leads the environmental reform of urban spaces and activates the local community.



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