Body Mass Index, Dietary Intake, Serum Lipids and Antioxidant Status of Young Females

여대생의 BMI에 따른 식이섭취와 혈중지질 농도 및 항산화능

  • Bae Hyun-Sook (Major of Skincare and Obesity Management Graduate School of Cultural Industry Sungshin Women's University)
  • 배현숙 (성신여자대학교 문화산업대학원 피부비만관리학)
  • Published : 2006.08.01


Many epidemiological and observational studies show that distorted body image of normal body weight is widespread among Korean young females. This study was performed to evaluate the prevalence of overweight and underweight of young females and, to compare nutrient intakes, body composition, serum indices (lipids, MDA: Malondialdehyde, TAS : Total Antioxidant Status) with different BMI groups. The subjects were 75 university students in Seoul. We divided the subjects into 3 groups according to their BMI by IOTF guideline (UW: underweight group, BMI < 18.5, NW: normal body weight group; 18.5 $\leq$ BMI < 23.0, OW: overweight group; BMI $\geq$ 23.0). Data on dietary intakes, body compositions and serum indices were obtained in 3 groups. Differences on all of the above variables were assessed by body weight groups. Using IOTF guidelines, the prevalence of overweight and underweight in young females were 23%, 61%, 16% respectively. $\beta$-carotene and vitamin A intake of UW were significantly higher than that of NW (p < 0.05). Fiber intakes of NW was significantly higher than that of W (p < 0.05). But intakes of energy and the other nutrients were not significantly different among BMI groups. Calcium and folate intakes were 75%, 61% of KDRIs. Serum TGs were significantly higher in OW than that of NW, UW (p < 0.05), but level of MDA and TAS were not significantly different. The association of overweight and low intake of $\beta$-carotene and vitamin A may be one of many factors predisposing obese females to a high risk of oxidative stress later in life. This requires urgent nutritional intervention programs involving enough intake of fruit and vegetables, with modification of inappropriate dietary habits.



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