Crown gall on rose was observed in greenhouse during year 2003-2005. The disease incidence was up to 28.3% and the disease was the severer in hydrophonics culture than that in soil. The typical gall symptom occurred mainly on the root and crown resulting in poor foliage, stunting, and fewer blossoms. Sixty-three rose cultivars were inoculated with Agrobacterium. tumefaciens isolated from rose crown gall, to evaluate rose cultivar-specific resistance. The size of galls from inoculated rose stems was measured in a greenhouse test. Tumors formed in almost varieties of rose inoculated. Based on the frequency of tumor occurrence and weight of galls formed on the stem of rose, it was shown that 'Little Marble', 'Golden Gate' and 'Rosa Rox-ette' were extremely susceptible to crown gall. Some varieties such as 'Little Silver' appeared to be resistant to the crown gall.
2003 년부터 2005 년까지 장미 주요 재배단지를 중심으로 뿌리혹병 발생을 조사한 결과 전지역에서 발생이 확인되었으며, 주로 토양재배보다는 양액재배되는 장미에서 발생이 더 심하였다. 뿌리혹병에 감염된 장미는 주로 지제부에 발생이 많았으며, 뿌리에 발생하여 생육이 부진해지는 피해를 나타내었다. 저항성 품종 선발에서는 '리틀 실버' 등 10 품종만이 저항성 품종으로 검정되었을 뿐 대부분이 감수성이었다. 특히 '골든게이트', '리틀마블', '로사로제티' 등은 매우 감수성이 높았다.