Genetic Distance Methods for the Identification of Cervus Species

  • Seo Jung-Chul (The Research Center for Biomedical Resources of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Hanny University) ;
  • Kim Min-Jung (The Research Center for Biomedical Resources of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Hanny University) ;
  • Lee Chan (The Research Center for Biomedical Resources of Oriental Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine, Daegu Hanny University) ;
  • Lee Jeong-Soo (Hankyong National Univeristy, Genomic Information Center) ;
  • Choi Kang-Duk (Hankyong National Univeristy, Genomic Information Center) ;
  • Leem Kang-Hyun (Department of Herbal Pharmacology, College of Oriental Medicine, Semyung University)
  • Published : 2006.06.30


Objectives : This study was performed to determine if unknown species of antler samples could be identified by genetic distance methods. Methods : The DNAs of 4 antler samples were extracted, amplified by PCR, and sequenced. The DNAs of antlers were identified by genetic distance. Genetic distance method was made using MEGA software (Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis, 3.1). Results : By genetic distance methods, all 4 antler samples were closest to Cervus elaphus nelsoni among Cervus species. Conclusion : These results suggest that genetic distance methods might be used as a tool for the identification of Cervus species.
