The purpose of this study is to clarify the relict landform development of fluvial terrace and the soil characteristics occurring on the fluvial deposits. The physico-chemical properties of soil that are developed on terrace deposits and X-ray diffraction analysis of clay were investigated specifically. The horizon of $A_1$ consists of silt loam with reddish-brown color (5YR4/3). Its soil structures is a weak, fine, subangular, and blocky, breaking to granular. The horizon of $B_{1t}\;and\;B_{2t}$ are silt clay with either a yellowish red (5YR5/6), bright red (2.5YR4/6) color. This soil structure is weak, subangular, and blocky, with thin discontinuous bright red (2.5YR4/6) clay cutans and soft manganese concretions. This red soil structure is made on heavy-textures. It is packed compactly with parent materials of high fluvial surface sediments, and usually has a $A_1-B_{1t}-B_{2t}-C$ profile, from top to bottom. In most cases, clay accumulation in the B-horizon and clay cutans on ped surfaces are observed, which means the argillic horizon has formed. The soils derived from fluvial surface deposits are associated with soils. The soils on the high fluvial surface are considered to be a kind of paleo-red soil which were developed by strong desilicification and rubefaction, and strong leaching of bases under warmer bio-climatic condition during the old Pleistocene period. According to these morphological and anlaytical characteristics,geomorphological features and bio-climatic conditions under which the soil have developed on the high terrace sediment indicate that the soil should be classified as paleo-red soils.
본 연구는 경안천 유역에 발달한 유물 지형인 하성면의 퇴적층을 모재로 하여 형성된 토양 특성을 밝히는 데 있다. 조사 지점의 적색토의 A층은 적갈색(5YR/4/3)의 미사질식토로 발달도가 미약한 아각괴상 내지 입상 구조이다. B층은 황적색(5YR4/3) 내지 명적색(2.5YR4/6)의 미사질식토로 발달도가 약한 아각괴상 구조를 보이며 적색의 점토 피막과 망간결핵이 나타나는 점토 집적층의 특징을 갖는 argillie층이다. 토층은 $A_1-B_{1t}-B_{2t}-C$ 층으로 되어있다. 하성 고위면의 퇴적층을 모재로 발달한 본토양은 과거 제4기의 온난한 생물기후 상태하에서 이루어진 강력한 탈규산화 작용과 염기용탈 및 적색토화 작용에 의하여 생성된 고적색토의 일종으로 판단된다. 따라서 본 적색토는 현재보다 온난한 생물-기후상태하에서 탈규산화를 동반하는 적색토화 작용에 의하여 형성된 고적색토로 판단된다.