Teachers' Research Experiences in Labs and Fields

  • Published : 2006.12.30


This study intended to find evidence of changes in teacher beliefs of teaching and learning and a case of infusing research experiences in teaching modules since their research participation. As part of this study, twenty three science and math teachers in Korea were provided with science research labs and field experiences in the University of Iowa for three weeks. The research units that teachers participated in for three weeks covered seven fields of subjects such as: geology, astronomy, chemistry, physics, mathematics, computer science, and environmental engineering. In the course of this study, the effectiveness of science research participation program was explored in terms of changing teacher beliefs and their production of teaching modules based on their research. This study especially focused on identifying changes of beliefs on science teaching and learning after participating in the research. A case study of a participant teacher was also conducted by comparing descriptively teaching modules before and after experiencing the program. It was found that the program affected the new modules and the research experiences affected participants' beliefs toward student centeredness.



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