치기공과 학생들의 실습 중 안전에 대한 안전교육 요구도 특성

Safety education needs among the dental technology-major college students to prevent injuries in their laboratory classes

  • 발행 : 2006.07.10


This study purposed to offer basic data for safety education of the dental laboratory technology after the investigation of how much the students in the dept. of dental laboratory technology are aware of the danger of each instrument, equipment or laboratory procedure that they use during laboratory and how much they demand safety education for this. The objects for this study were 423 students who were in the dept. of dental laboratory technology. In this regard, four colleges which have the dept. of dental laboratory technology were randomly selected to do a questionnaire survey. SPSS 12.0 was used to analyze the collected data. The results were as follows: As for satisfaction with their major, the respondents answered Satisfied (59.1%), Average (35.5%) and Dissatisfied (5.4%). In terms of the production process of a partial denture, they considered casting, polishing the casting body, polishing denture and burn out were most dangerous in order. As for the production process of a full denture, what they regarded as the most dangerous in order was polishing denture, deflasking and wax wash. Regarding the laboratory procedures of porcelain material, casting, trimming casting body, polishing porcelain material and burn out were the most dangerous procedures that they perceived. With regard to materials for use, alcohol, polishing, metal and wire were the most dangerous ones they thought. As for the handling characteristics of each material, small towns showed a higher demand for safety of the handling characteristics of alcohol. In terms of school year and sex, juniors and girls had higher scores in the demand for safety of the handling characteristics of acid. Regarding the handling characteristics of each equipment and instrument, all of small towns, juniors and girls showed the highest demand for safety of the handling characteristics of alcohol lamps. With regard to scores in the demand for safety of other characteristics, all of small towns, juniors and girls had the highest demand for safety of emergency treatment. Concerning the demand for safety education by the completion of safety education, in terms of each material, highest was the demand for safety of acid from the group which completed safety education. In regard to equipments and instruments, when it came to the demand for safety of the handling characteristics of casting machine, the educated group's demand for safety of acid was higher. Regarding other characteristics, the group which was not educated gained higher scores in the demand for safety of emergency treatment. 11. In all areas(materials, machines and others), small towns, girls and juniors showed higher scores in the demand for safety. Based on the above results, it was found that when students conduct the laboratory of dental technology, they would think that many materials, instruments or equipments for use are very dangerous. However, safety education was not fully given to them. Regarding the scores in the damned for safety education, the highest was 4.16 and the lowest was 3.43, which suggests that the scores were generally very high. In this regard, it is necessary to continue delivering a systematic safety education of materials, equipments or instruments used during the laboratory of dental technology. Therefore, through the analysis of each material, instruments or facility used in every laboratory and each process, safety accident types and accident risk factors should be investigated to develop educational materials for this. Moreover, it is required to open safety education as a single course of study or insert safety contents of all materials and machines into the class of dental laboratory instrument or dental materials for the purpose of a systematic and thorough safety education to prevent a safety accident during laboratory.
