공동주택단지 개발에서의 분산식 빗물관리 목표량 설정 - 택지개발사업지구 내 단지를 대상으로 -

Estimation of Proportion to Decentralized Rainwater Management Needed in Apartment Complex Development

  • 이태구 (세명대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 한영해 (에코아르케 생태도시건축연구소)
  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


The recent emphasis on ecological urban development has led to the need to maintain a hydrologic cycle in urban areas. As such, this study proposes decentralized rainwater management, a concept of onsite rainwater management that involves the utilization, infiltration, detention, and retention of rainwater. The main objective of this research is to estimate the proportion of decentralized rainwater management that is needed. From the research that was conducted in this study, it was found that the total runoff quantity increases by 10-20% after district lands are developed, when the probable rate of precipitation every 10 years is within this range. Thus, the runoff rate can be reduced by 10~20% of the total runoff quantity through decentralization. On the other hand, in the scale of housing complex development, the total runoff quantity increases by as much as 10~40% due to the changes in the rate of the impervious surface area. If 10-40% of the total runoff quantity was processed through decentralized rainwater management, the rate of infiltration, detention, retention, and runoff in precipitation prior to development could be recovered.



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