철도망 구축을 고려한 철도시스템의 기술개발전략

A Strategy of Technology Development for the Railway System based on Railway Network

  • 이희성 (서울산업대학교 철도차량시스템공학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.01


Studied was a strategy of technology development for railway system in terms of railway network. First, The successful launch of the Korean HST system has not only decreased logistics burden but also significantly transformed the Korean trunk-line railway network, revolutionizing the logistics and technology sectors and reinvigorating the Korean railway industry in one century. Korean railway industry sector is now investing to develop many different types of railway system(G7, Post G7, tilting train...) so that these kinds of various railway system development should be integrated with the National Inter-modal Transportation Network Plan. To secure sufficient capacity that is required by the National Railroad Plan, the railway industry needs to establish mid- and long-term train purchase and operation strategies in compliance with railway construction and operation policies. During a railway construction planning, train operators, based on their train operation strategies, should come up with measures to closely cooperate with project operators from the planning stage through to the opening of a railway system. To be more precise, train operators should establish long-term train procurement plans reflecting both long-term national railroad network plans and plans for each railway line in order to suggest appropriate roles and schedules for each line. Also, based on the long-term railway plan, directions should be decided concerning the research and development of trains in advance.



  1. 건설교통부, 철도시스템 해외진출 촉진방안, KRRI, 2003, p.72, p.193, p.205
  2. UNIFE 2003, Railway Alliance
  3. UIC, Industry as a Partner for Sustainable Development, 2002
  4. 한국철도시설공단, 21세기 국가철도망 구축 기본계획 수정.보완, KRRI・KOTI, 2004, pp.298
  5. 건설교통부, '국가철도망건설계획에 따른 철도차량 수송력 확보체계 구축방안 연구', KRRI, 2005.10, p.39