A Study on the Safety Plan for a Train Control System

열차제어시스템의 안전계획 수립에 관한 연구

  • 김종기 (한국철도기술연구원, 전기신호연구본부) ;
  • 신덕호 (한국철도기술연구원, 전기신호연구본부) ;
  • 이기서 (광운대학교, 정보제어공학과)
  • Published : 2006.06.01


In this paper we present a safety plan to be applied to the development of the TCS(Train Control System). The safety plan that can be applied to the life cycle of a system, from the conceptual design to the dismantlement, shows the whole process of the paper work in detail through the establishment of a goal, analysis and assessment, the verification. In this paper we study about the making a plan, the preliminary hazard analysis, the hazard identification and analysis to guarantee the safety of the TCS. The process far the verification of the system safety is divided into several steps based on the target system and the approaching method. The guarantee of the system safety and the improvement of the system reliability is fellowed by the recommendation of the international standards.



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