Static I-V Characteristics of Optically Controlled GaAs MESFET's with Emphasis on Substrate-induced Effects

  • Murty, Neti V.L. Narasimha (Center for Research in Microelectronics (CRME), Department of Electronics Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University) ;
  • Jit, S. (Center for Research in Microelectronics (CRME), Department of Electronics Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University)
  • 발행 : 2006.09.30


A new analytical model for the static I-V characteristics of GaAs MESFET’s under optically controlled conditions in both linear and saturation region is presented in this paper. The novelty of the model lies in characterizing both photovoltaic (external, internal) and photoconductive effects. Deep level traps in the semi insulating GaAs substrate are also included in this model. Finally, effect of backgate voltage on I-V characteristics is explained analytically for the first time in literature. Small signal parameters of GaAs MESFET are derived under both dark and illuminated conditions. Some of the results are compared with reported experimental results to show the validity of the proposed model. Since accurate dc modeling is the key to accurate ac modeling, this model is very useful in the designing of photonic MMIC’s and OEIC’s using GaAs MESFET.



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