GC-MS 크로마토그램의 컴퓨터 자동해석을 이용한 유전성 대사질환의 진단법 개발

Development of a GC-MS Diagnostic Method with Computer-aided Automatic Interpretation for Metabolic Disorders

  • 윤례란 (덕성여자대학교 약학대학, 생.의약분석실, 유전성대사질환연구실)
  • Yoon, Hye-Ran (Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab, College of Pharmacy, Duksung Women's University)
  • 발행 : 2006.07.15


Purpose: A personal computer-based system was developed for automated metabolic profiling of organic aciduria and aminoacidopathy by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and data interpretation for the diagnosis of metabolic disorders Methods: For automatic data profiling and interpretation, we compiled retention time, two target ions and their intensity ratio for 77 organic acids and 13 amino acids metabolites. Metabolites above the cut-off values were flagged as abnormal compounds. The data interpretation was a based on combination of flagged metabolites. Diagnostic or index metabolites were categorized into three groups, "and", "or" and "NO" compiled for each disorder to improve the specificity of the diagnosis. Groups "and" and "or" comprised essential and optional compounds, respectively, to reach a specific diagnosis. Group "NO" comprised metabolites that must be absent to make a definite diagnosis. We tested this system by analyzing patients with confirmed Propionic aciduria and others. Results: In all cases, the diagnostic metabolites were identified and correct diagnosis was founded to be made among the possible disease suggested by the system. Conclusion: The study showed that the developed method could be the method of choices in rapid, sensitive and simultaneous screening for organic aciduria and amino acidopathy with this simplified automated system.
