라이트 주택의 자연상징과 리얼리티에 관한 연구

A Study on the Reality and Natural Symbols in the Wright's Houses

  • 발행 : 2006.04.01


In the resultant period of architectural transition and a tendency towards unthinking formalism, it is all the more important for designers to question the meaning of their actions and their role in society. Modern architects were convinced that their visions were reality, their ideas truth. Yet this assumption is was the fundamental issue, for what reality and how is it perceived? Harries argues a rediscovery of a language of natural symbols, which might help create buildings that are experienced as necessary rather than arbitrary. These symbols are said to express the essential patterns of human existence in the world. In the Frank Lloyd Wright's works, the uniqueness of his architecture lies in its expression and interpretation of nature and people's existence in the world. This study is intended to be an investigation of the nature of physical expression and perception of the reality known, and to seek to present Wright's philosophy of house design in relation to nature and non-arbitrary architecture. Finally this paper concludes that the architectural expression of expressions of Wright's houses are timeless and full of lift, and these built qualities are necessary and could not readily be otherwise.



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