The Relationships between Interpersonal Problem Solving Strategies, Emotionality, Emotional Knowledge, and Event Knowledge of Preschool Children

유아의 대인간 문제해결 전략과 유아의 정서성, 정서지식, 사건지식의 관계

  • Published : 2006.05.30


This study investigated preschoolers' emotionality, emotional knowledge, event knowledge, and interpersonal problem solving strategies according to their sex and age, and the relationships among them. Subjects were 116 preschoolers (73 boys and 43 girls; 68 four- and 48 five-year-olds). Results showed that girls were higher in negative emotionality (sadness) than boys. Also, 5-year-old children were higher in emotional knowledge, event knowledge, and forceful problem solving strategies than 4-year-olds. Furthermore, children's event knowledge was positively related to their relevant problem solving strategies, while children's event knowledge was negatively related to their forceful problem solving strategies. These findings provide a preliminary evidence that children's event knowledge may predict their interpersonal problem solving strategies.



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