아동의 정서반응 유형, 정서조절 전략 및 효과 탐색: 정서조절 전략 및 효과와 심리적 안녕감간의 관계

Children's Emotional Response, Emotion Regulation Strategy and Emotion Regulation Effect: Relationships among the Emotion Regulation Strategy, Emotion Regulation Effect and Psychological Well-being

  • 이혜련 (부산대학교 아동 주거학과) ;
  • 김경연 (부산대학교 아동 가족학과 및 노인생활환경연구소)
  • Lee, Hae-Lyon (Dept. of Child Development & Housing, Pusan National Univ.) ;
  • Kim, Kyong-Yeon (Dept. of Child Development & Family Studies. Research Institute of Ecology for the Elderly, Pusan National Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2006.07.30


This study was conducted to investigate children's emotional response, emotion regulation strategy, and emotion regulation effect (regulation effect of strategies), and to determine the relationships among emotion regulation strategy, emotion regulation effect and children's psychological well-being in anger, (ear, and disappointment situations. Emotion regulation strategy recomposed four strategies through factor analysis based on the children's direct answers to the question inquiring on the method used to regulate anger, fear, and disappointment. A total of 359 elementary school children in glades 5 or 6 selected one strategy use to regulate anger, fear, and disappointment. The effect of that selected strategy were estimated. Psychological well-being is evaluated by a questionnaire. The results of this study showed that most of elementary school children used the attention evocation strategy to regulate anger, fear, and disappointment, and this strategy was confirmed to be the most effective. Children's psychological well-being was associated with only emotion regulation effect in anger, fear, and disappointment situations.



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