맞벌이부부의 가족스트레스와 가족건강성

Family Stress and Family Strengths in Double-income Couples

  • 최정혜 (경상대학교 사범대학 가정교육과)
  • Choi, Jeong-Hye (Department of Home Economics Education, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


This research focused on the family stress and family strengths in double-income couples. The subjects of this study were 171 double-income couples, in the Kyeongnam Area, Korea. The major findings from the study are as follows. 1) The degree of family stress of the husband and wife in double-income couples was 2.90 and 2.97, respectively, on a scale of 0-5.0. The significant variables were economic level, self-esteem and marital satisfaction in double-income couples' husband, and having a housework-helper, job satisfaction, self-esteem and marital satisfaction in double-income couples' wife. 2) The degree of family strengths of the husband and wife in double-income couples was 3.84 and 3.82, respectively, on a scale of 0-5.0. The significant variables were job satisfaction, self-esteem and marital satisfaction in double-income couples' husband, and the educational level, job type, self-esteem and marital satisfaction in double-income couples' wife. 3) There was a close inverse correlation between the lamely stress and family strengths in the husband and wife of double-income couples.



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