A Study of Sense of Balance in Work-Family and the Availability/Demand of Support of Married Working Women

기혼취업여성의 일 -가족 균형감과 지원용이도/요구도에 관한 연구

  • Jeong Young-Keum (Consumer & Housing Studies, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 정영금 (가톨릭대학교 소비자주거학과)
  • Published : 2006.04.01


Much research has focused on the conflict and balance between work and family. Yet few studies examine how women feel in balancing these two roles. In that regard, this study examines how married working women feel balanced between work and family as well as the levels of support availability/demand that exists. The level of sense of balance regarding work-family is average. Sense of balance is related to age, income, work hours, size of workplace, numbers of family friendly policies, the family's attitude to woman's work, and the level of balancing strategies used. The demand for support is higher than the availability of support. Both factors are related to working hours and balancing strategies, etc.



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