국내 역사계박물관의 소장자료 분류체계와 수장고 분류방안

Classification System of Collections and Distribution of Storages in Domestic Museum of Historic Relics

  • 정성욱 (호서대학교 실내디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.04.01


A museum's collections is fundamental factors to construct important activity of museum performing a role as cultural facility for learning, education and research. Therefore, conservation of collections through appropriate environments is previously established in step of planing a museum. Hereby, the purpose of this study is to set up the classification of collections and suggest a useful guidance of the storage division in a domestic museum. The results of this study are as follows. First, the main factors of deterioration are temperature and relative humidity in a museum storage, so classification of collections should be set up according to the objective standards of these factors. Second, the classification of collections can be performed as follow: the group for nonorganic materials subdivide metal, chinaware, earthenware, and jade stone, the group for organic materials subdivide leather hair paper fabric, bone horn shell mound and wood herbage and the group for composed materials. Third, for storage division of a domestic museum, basically has to consider that it is reasonable to plan $4{\sim}5$ storages in metal, jade stone, chinaware earthenware, and organic materials of $1{\sim}2$ units in case of a serial of history like archaeological, antique museum. And in case of folk relics of modern and contemporary arts are collected, it is reasonable to plan over 5 storages add composed materials to foregoing classification.



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