A Study on the Meaning Construction and Expression Characteristics of Hybrid Design - Focus on the Methodology of Conceptual blending theory -

혼성 디자인의 의미구성과 표현특성에 관한 연구 - 개념적 혼성이론의 방법론을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2006.04.01


This treatise makes clear not only a structural methodology of 'the conceptual blending theory' using in a linguistics could be applied to the similar process in a hybrid design but also both methods include the same meaning construction in the sense of a mutual educational system. Both methods have something in common that they are fundamentally focused on a metaphorical expression which implies poetic messages to be concentrated on a formal structure. Therefore, the purpose of this treatise is to examine the structural characteristics in the hybrid design in order to analyze the rhetorical expressions(metaphor, allegory) as symbols of communication. One of the those is intertextuality that expresses metaphorically by blending and borrowing codes and another is hypertextual space where various texts twines around each other making brand-new and diverse organizations, as the combined allegory with a number of hidden expression. Ultimately, it is important that this approach could verify whether it deals the illogical present state of a spacial form or structure with a kind of mechanism of a 'conceptual blending theory' or not.



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