A Study on the Scenographic and Perspective Space in the Palladio's Architecture

팔라디오 건축의 씨노그래피적 공간과 투시도적 공간에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2006.04.01


The renaissance architects had considered perspective system as accurate tool for the visual representation, but Palladio did not agree with this belief and demonstrated that it is a system based on optical illusionism. On the base of this faith, he created another optical illusion system can be called 'scenographic space'. But the remainder of his works reveals many perspective installations mobilized as well as it. In this context, this study aimed to analyze the meaning and usage of these two space composition systems in the Palladio's architecture. For the purpose of it, a preliminary study examine the background of his idea and make a comparative analysis between the two systems, and then finally analyze the concrete works in compliance with the building types. And then, this study comes to the following conclusion. The scenographic space create the cognition of discontinuity which was produced by the perceptual mask perpendicular to the subject's eye. In opposition to it, the perspective techniques join the space between the subject and his outer world. In result, the viewer lost or attach his attention on the connection between the real and the virtual, the secular and the divine, and the inside and the outside. Palladio applied these two illusion systems to all types of his architecture. By means of it, he could achieve the desire of his patrons and reconstruct the classical architecture of the late renaissance age.



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