제부도 갯벌식생과 소산 식물상에 관한 연구

The Flora of Vasular Plants and the Vegetation on the Tidal Flat in Jebudo(Island)

  • 신경미 (중앙대학교 식물응용과학과) ;
  • 안영희 (중앙대학교 식물응용과학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.01


본 연구는 2004년6월부터 2005년 10월에 걸쳐 경기도 화성시에 위치하는 제부도의 관속 식물상과 갯벌의 식생을 조사하였다. 갯벌(I)지역에서 5과 6속 7품종의 7분류군, 고도섬 지역(II)이 24과 42속 39종 11변종의 50분류군, 사구지역(III)에서 25과 53속 52종 9변종의 61분류군, 탑재산(IV)에서 55과 108속118종 17변종 1품종의 136분류군으로 가장 많은 식물종이 조사되었다. 당제산(V) 지역은 45과 95속 105종 13변종 1품종의 119분류군, 동미산(VI)에서는 43과 83속 85종 15변종의 100분류군, 나지대 지역의 식물을 조사한 결과 31과 86속 106종 13변종 1품종의 120분류군이 조사가 되었다. 특히 북동사면으로 선착장과 인접한 탑재산 절벽에서 산림청지정 희귀식물이며, 자연환경보전법 (1998)에 지정된 보호식물인 고란초 군락이 발견되었다. 제부도 갯벌의 환경구배에 따라 대상구조를 이루는 염생식물 군락을 조사한 결과, 방파제를 기준으로 토양 입경의 순서에 따라 갯질경군락(Limonium tetragonum Community), 갈대군락(Phragmites communis Community), 천일사초군락(Carex scabrifolia Community), 지채군락(Triglochin maritimum Community), 칠면초군락(Suaeda japonica Community)의 순서로 군락을 형성하고 있었다.

The flora of vascular plants and the vegetation on the tidal flat was investigated in Jebudo located at Hwaseong city of Gyeonggi-do province from 2004 to 2005. Jebudo has been considered to show difference from the flora which is peculiar to island as it became semi-land by free traffic to mainland with the installation of a road which had enabled entry into the Jebudo in 1991 due to sea-splitting phenomenon. The result of the vascular plants in Jebudo were consissted of 305 taxa; 264 species, 38 varieties and 3 forms of 202 genera of 74 families. As a result of examination by distinctive survey areas within Jebudo, a tidal flat(I) region where the halophyte was being spread has been researched as 7 taxa; 7 species of 6 genera of 5 families. The taxa in Godo-Island(II) was reseached as 50 taxa; 39 species, 11 varieties and 42 genera of 24 families. The taxa in Sand dune area(III) was reseached as 61 taxa; 52 species and 9 varieties of 53 genera of 25 families. The most plant species was reseached in Mt. Tapjae (IV) reaseach area among the reseach areaes 136 taxa; 118 species, 17 varieties and 1 form of 108 genera of 55 families. The taxa in Dangje Mt.(V) was reseached as 119 taxa; 105 species, 13 varieties and 1 form of 95 genera of 45 familes. The taxa in Dongmi Mt. (VI) was reseached as 100 taxa; 85 species and 15 varieties of 83 enera of 43 families. The taxa in Paddy field(VII) was reseached as 120 taxa; 106 species, 13 varieties and 1 form of 86 genera 31 families. Especially, a Crypsinus hastatus community which is a rare plant designated by Korea forest service and a preservation plant designated by the natural environment preservation law (1998) has been discovered at a cliff of Topjae mountain near the ferry located at the northeast side. According to the result of researching halophyte communities which make up the zonation according to the environmental gradient, the communities were being formed in the order of Limonium tetragonum community, Phragmites communis community, Carex scabrifolia community, Triglochin maritimum community and Carex scabrifolia community in accordance with the order of soil particle size with breakwater as their standard.



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