L.E.O. Satellite Power Subsystem Reliability Analysis

  • Zahran M. (Electronics Research Institute, NRC Blg. National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science, Cairo Egypt) ;
  • Tawfik S. (National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Science, Cairo Egypt) ;
  • Dyakov Gennady (Yuzhnoye State Design Office)
  • Published : 2006.04.01


Satellites have provided the impetus for the orderly development of reliability engineering research and analysis because they tend to have complex systems and hence acute problems. They were instrumental in developing mathematical models for reliability, as well as design techniques to permit quantitative specification, prediction and measurement of reliability. Reliability engineering is based on implementing measures which insure an item will perform its mission successfully. The discipline of reliability engineering consists of two fundamental aspects; $(1^{st})$ paying attention to details, and $(2^{nd})$ handling uncertainties. This paper uses some of the basic concepts, formulas and examples of reliability theory in application. This paper emphasizes the practical reliability analysis of a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Micro-satellite power subsystem. Approaches for specifying and allocating the reliability of each element of the power system so as to meet the overall power system reliability requirements, as well as to give detailed modeling and predicting of equipment/system reliability are introduced. The results are handled and analyzed to form the final reliability results for the satellite power system. The results show that the Electric Power Subsystem (EPS) reliability meets the requirements with quad microcontrollers (MC), two boards working as main and cold redundant while each board contains two MCs in a hot redundant.



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