일사영향권내 비균질 토양의 열적거동 예측 모델

Model to Predict Non-Homogeneous Soil Temperature Variation Influenced by Solar Irradiation

  • 발행 : 2006.12.30


This study is to develop a model to predict the soil temperature variation in Korea Institute of Energy Research using its thermal properties, such as thermal conductivity and diffusivity. Soil depth temperature variation is very important in the design of a proper Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) system. This is because the size of the borehole depends on the soil temperature distribution, and this can decrease GSHP system cost. If the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity are known, the soil temperature can be predicted by either the Krarti equation or the Spitler equation. Then a comparison with the Krarti equation and Spitler equation data with the real measured data can be performed. Also, the thermal properties can be reasonably approximated by performing a fit of the Krarti and Spitler equations with measured temperature data. This was done and, as a result, the Krarti equation and Spitler equation predicted values very close to the measured data. Although there is about a $0.5^{\circ}C$ difference between the deep subsurface prediction (16m - 60m), with this equation, were expected to have model this Non-Homogeneous Soil Temperature phenomenon properly. So, it has been shown that a prediction of non-homogeneous soil temperature variation influenced by solar radiation can be achieved with a model.



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