Analysis of Planocentric Gear

  • Kim, H.J. (Department of Industrial Design, Seoul National University of Technology)
  • 발행 : 2006.06.30


The planocentric gear, known as wobble mechanism, has been used for speed reducing mechanism as an ingenious mechanism. The modem application can be found in the backrest adjusting mechanism of a vehicle reclinable seat, fluid pumps and aircraft hoist and winches. Higher speed reduction ratios, high load capacity, lower weight, and compactness are the main advantages of this gear. This paper presents velocity and static force analysis to investigate the friction lock of the planocentric gear. The rectilinear tooth profile is used to maximize the speed reduction ratio. The equivalent linkage system is used for the analysis of instantaneous motion. As the results, the transmission efficiency of the planocentric gear is found and the friction lock of the system is determined for the friction coefficients of journals. A numerical example that illustrates the developed analysis is presented.
