본 연구에서는 충남 공주근교에서 사육중인 한국재래산양에서 자연 발생한 전염성 농포성 피부염에 대하여 오존의 치료효과를 조사하였다. 전염성 농포성 피부염은 한국재래산양 150두 중 130두에서 발생하였다. 16두(2개월-2년)를 선발하여 대조군(5두), ozonated oil군(5두) 및 ozonated water군(6두)으로 구분하였다. 대조군에서는 실험기간 중 아무런 치료를 하지 않았으며, ozonated oil군은 식물성유에 오존가스(200ppm)로 3일간 bubbling한 ozonated oil을 환부에 1일 1회 2주간 도포하였고, ozonated water군은 수도물에 오존가스(200ppm)로 1시간 동안 bubbling한 ozonated water(0.1ppm)를 2주간 자유로이 음수토록 하였다. 그 결과, 치료율은 ozonated oil군이 80%(4/5두), ozonated water군이 66.7%(4/6두)로, 대조군(20%, 1/5두)보다 양호하였다. 이 결과를 근거로 전염성 농포성 피부염에 이환된 한국재래 산양 121두를 대상으로 ozonated oil을 1일 1회, 30일간 환부에 도포하였다. 그 결과, 환축의 모든 병변부는 완치되었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 오존요법은 산양의 전염선 농포성 피부염의 치료에 유효한 것으로 판단되었다.
We investigated possible therapeutic approaches to treat contagious naturally occurring ecthyma in Korean native goats in the Gongju area of Korea. Contagious ecthyma was found in 130 of 150 Korean native goats studied. Sixteen goats, ranged from 2 months to 2.5 years old, were selected for further experiments. The goats were divided into a control group, an ozonated oil group, and an ozonated water group consisting of 5, 5, and 6 goats, respectively. The control animals were not treated during the experimental period. The ozonated oil group was treated with ozonated oil, made by bubbling 200 ppm ozone gas into the oil, dally for 2 weeks. The remaining group of animals were given ozonated drinking water (0.1 ppm) ad libitum for 2 weeks. The ozonated oil treated group (4/5, 80%) had the highest therapeutic rate. The ozonated water group (4/6, 66.7%) had the second highest therapeutic rate, followed by the control group (1/5, 20%). Based on these results, a secondary experiment was performed that included a total of 121 Korean native goats with contagious ecthyma. Ozonated oil was applied daily for 30 days. All of the lesions on the goats with contagious ecthyma were completely cured by application of the ozonated oil. We concluded that ozone therapy was an effective treatment for contagious ecthyma in goats