Comparisons of growth and biofilm production with Vibrio fluvialis and mutants deficient in oligopeptide permease gene

Vibrio fluvialis의 Oligopeptide Permease Gene 결손에 의한 생육과 Biofilm 생산의 비교

  • Lee, Eun Mi (Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Ahn, Sun Hee (Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kong, In Soo (Department of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Pukyong National University)
  • 이은미 (부경대학교 수산과학대학 생물공학과) ;
  • 안선희 (부경대학교 수산과학대학 생물공학과) ;
  • 공인수 (부경대학교 수산과학대학 생물공학과)
  • Published : 2006.06.30


Various ${\Delta}opp$ mutants of Vibrio fluvialis were constructed by allelic exchange method. The mutants occurred in target genes were confirmed by PCR and Southern hybridization analyses. After the exact mutants were identified, cell growth and biofilm production were examined using the respective mutants. The growth of wild strain was more rapid than mutants within 4hr incubation. Thereafter, the growth of wild strain and mutants reached to same level. When the productivities of wild strain and mutants were examined, ${\Delta}oppA$ mutant showed the highest productivity. Though ${\Delta}oppC,D$ and F mutants produced the lower production than that of ${\Delta}oppA$ mutant, the productivities of those mutants were much higher than that of wild strain.

Vibrio fluvialis의 opp gene cluster내에 존재하는 oppABCDF 유전자를 allelic exchange 방법에 의해서 각각의 유전자가 deletion된 mutant를 제조하였다. 각각의 유전자가 deletion된 mutant의 확인은 PCR과 Southern hybridization으로 결정하였다. 각 mutant들을 BHI 배지에서 생육을 비교한 결과 배양후 4시간 이전까지는 wild strain이 모든 mutant들에 비해서 생육이 좋았으나 4시간 이후부터는 같은 수준의 생육을 보여주었다. Biofilm 생산을 비교한 결과 ${\Delta}oppA$ mutant에서 가장 높은 생산성을 보여주었다. ${\Delta}oppC,D,F$ mutant들의 biofilm 생산은 ${\Delta}oppA$ mutant 보다는 낮았으나 wild strain보다는 높은 biofilm 생산성을 보여주었다.
