중.고등학생의 인터넷 중독과 관련 변인 연구

High-School Students' Internet Addiction and Related Variables

  • 전영자 (인제대학교 가족.소비자학과) ;
  • 서문영 (인제대학교 가족.소비자학과)
  • 발행 : 2006.03.30


In the information age, the spread of internet has a lot of positive aspects. However, it also has very serious problems with adverse effects on immature teenagers both physically and mentally. Among them, internet addiction has recently grown into a social problem. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the degree of internet addiction of teenagers and the related variables, such as individual variables, using internet variable, parent-child relationship variable, and psychological variable. The survey subjects were 452 high school students in the Gimhae area. The results were as follows: First, the average score of internet addiction among the teenagers of this study was 48.24 out of 100. Which according to Young's classification, corresponds to an early stage addiction. Second, there was a significant difference in the degree of internet addiction by students' school record. The low-graded group was highly addicted to the internet. Third, the longer the teenagers were exposed to the internet, the higher they were addicted. Fourth, the degree of internet addiction was influenced by parent-child relationship. There was low addiction in a group with their parents' high support. Fifth, the degree of internet addiction was differed by psychological variables, such as self-control, self-esteem and depression. Low self-control, low self-esteem and highly depressed teenagers were related to a higher degree of internet addiction.



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