버섯 학술 용어 해설

Explanation of mushroom academic terminology

  • 이재성 (영남대학교 식품공학과) ;
  • 성재모 (강원대학교 생물환경학부) ;
  • 김양섭 (농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원) ;
  • 채정기 (전남대학교 임학과) ;
  • 유영복 (농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원) ;
  • 유승헌 (충남대학교 농생물학과) ;
  • 차재순 (충북대학교 산림과학.지역건설공학부) ;
  • 이현숙 (경상대학교 미생물학과) ;
  • 이재동 (부산대학교 생명과학부) ;
  • 이종수 (배재대학교 생명유전공학과) ;
  • 박원철 (국립 산림과학원) ;
  • 구창덕 (충북대학교 산림과학.지역건설공학부) ;
  • 석순자 (농촌진흥청 농업과학기술원) ;
  • 김용갑 (영남대학교 국어국문학과) ;
  • 차병진 (충북대학교 산림과학.지역건설공학부) ;
  • 장현유 (한국 농업전문학교 특용작물과)
  • Lee, Jae-Sung (Dept. of Food Science and Technology, Yeongnam Univ.) ;
  • Sung, Jae-Mo (Dept. of Agricultural Biology, Kangwon Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Kim, Yang-Sub (Division of Applied Microbiology, Natl. Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA) ;
  • Chai, Jung-Ki (Dept. of Forest, Chonnam Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Yoo, Young-Bok (Division of Applied Microbiology, Natl. Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA) ;
  • Yu, Seung-Hun (Dept. of Applied Biology, Chungnam Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Cha, Jae-Soon (Dept. of Plant Medicine, Chungbuk Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Hyun-Sook (Dept. of Microbiology, Kyungsang Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Jae-Dong (Division of Life Science, Pusan Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Lee, Jong-Soo (Dept. of Life Science and Genetic Engineering, Paichai Univ.) ;
  • Bak, Won-Cheol (Korea Forest Research Institute) ;
  • Koo, Chang-Duck (Division of Forest Science and Construction Engineering, Chungbuk Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Seok, Soon-Ja (Division of Applied Microbiology, Natl. Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA) ;
  • Kim, Young-Gab (Dept. of Korean Language and Literature, Yeongnam Univ.) ;
  • Cha, Byeong-Jin (Dept. of Plant Medicine, Chungbuk Natl. Univ.) ;
  • Chang, Hyun-Yoo (Korea Natl. Agricultural College)
  • 발행 : 2006.12.31


The mushroom production reached to 1000 billion won in monetary value in Korea. We, however, do not have systematic terminology dictionary published yet. Recently new varieties of medicinal mushrooms in addition to culinary mushrooms are being introduced steadily through out the world. This makes the necessity of coordinated and consistent arrangement of terms involved in culture, cultivation and physiological aspects of mushrooms. Various components in relation to the medicinal and physiological functionality also poses ambiguity in terminology along with the terms used in breeding and genetic researches. Moreover, some of the scientific terms are being used erroneously. In order to help mushroom cultivators, students, and mushroom business personnel in understanding the terms on mushroom science and technology we intended to collect and organize all the terms related to mushroom morphology and cultivation, poison and medicinal functionality, processing and utilization, and so on. Thirteen professionals from each field participated in this project. The fields included here are : 1) Genetics and breeding of mushrooms, 2) Cultivation and physiology of mushrooms, 3) Taxonomy and ecology of mushrooms, 4) Processing and functional components, 5) Blight and insects of mushrooms.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : 한국학술진흥재단