PMF를 이용한 수도권지역 VOCs의 배출원 추정

Preliminary Source Apportionment of Ambient VOCs Measured in Seoul Metropolitan Area by Positive Matrix Factorization

  • 한진석 (국립환경연구원 환경진단연구원 대기환경과) ;
  • 문광주 (국립환경연구원 환경진단연구원 대기환경과) ;
  • 김록호 (국립환경연구원 환경진단연구원 대기환경과) ;
  • 신선아 (국립환경연구원 환경진단연구원 대기환경과) ;
  • 홍유덕 (국립환경연구원 환경진단연구원 대기환경과) ;
  • 정일록 (국립환경연구원 환경진단연구원 대기환경과)
  • Han J. S. (Department of Air Quality Research, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Moon K. J. (Department of Air Quality Research, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Kim R. H. (Department of Air Quality Research, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Shin S. A. (Department of Air Quality Research, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Hong Y. D. (Department of Air Quality Research, National Institute of Environmental Research) ;
  • Jung I. R. (Department of Air Quality Research, National Institute of Environmental Research)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


The PAMS data collected at four sites in Seoul metropolitan area in 2004 were analyzed using the positive matrix factorization (PMF) technique, in order to identify the possible sources and estimate their contributions to ambient VOCs. Ten sources were then resolved at Jeongdong, Bulgwang, Yangpyeong, and Seokmo, including vehicle exhaust, LPG vehicle, petroleum evaporation, coating, solvent, asphalt, LNG, Industry & heating, open burning, and biogenic source. The PMF analysis results showed that vehicle exhaust commonly contributed the largest portion of the predicted total VOCs mass concentration, more than $30\%$ at four sites. The contribution of other resolved sources were significantly different according to the characteristics of site location. In the case of Jeongdong and bulgwang located in urban area, various anthropogenic sources such as coating, solvent, asphalt, residual LPG, and petroleum evaporation contributed about $40\%$ of total VOCs mass. On the other hand, at yangpyeong and Seokmo located in rural and remote area, the portion of these anthropogenic sources was reduced to less than $30\%$ and the contribution of natural sources including open burning and biogenic source clearly observed. These results were considerably corresponding to the emission inventory investigated in this region.



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