원자단위 Electromechanical 모델링을 통한 나노튜브 메모리 연구

An Atomistic Modeling for Electromechanical Nanotube Memory Study

  • 이강환 (한국기술교육대학교 정보기술공학부) ;
  • 권오근 (세명대학교 인터넷정보학부)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


We have presented a nanoelectromechanical (NEM) model based on atomistic simulations. Our models were applied to a NEM device as called a nanotube random access memory (NRAM) operated by an atomistic capacitive model including a tunneling current model. We have performed both static and dynamic analyses of a NRAM device. The turn-on voltage obtained from molecular dynamics simulations was less than the half of the turn-on voltage obtained from the static simulation. Since the suspended carbon nanotube (CNT) oscillated with the amplitude for the oscillation center under an externally applied force, the quantity of the CNT-gold interaction in the static analysis was different from that in the dynamic analysis. When the gate bias was applied, the oscillation centers obtained from the static analysis were different from those obtained from the dynamics analysis. Therefore, for the range of the potential difference that the CNT-gold interaction effects in the static analysis were negligible, the vibrations of the CNT in the dynamics analysis significantly affected the CNT-gold interaction energy and the turn-on voltage. The turn-on voltage and the tunneling resistance obtained from our tunneling current model were in good agreement with previous experimental and theoretical works.



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