스크린도어가 설치된 지하철에서 열차운행에 의한 비정상유동의 실험 및 수치적 해석

Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Unsteady Tunnel Flow in Subway Equiped with Platform Screen Door System

  • 김정엽 (한국건설기술연구원 화재 및 설비연구부) ;
  • 김광용 (인하대학교 기계공학과)
  • Kim Jung-Yup (Fire & Engineering Services Research Dept., Korea Institute of Construction Technology) ;
  • Kim Kwang-Yong (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


To optimize the ventilation and smoke control systems in subway equipped with platform screen door, the technology to analyze the unsteady tunnel flow caused by running of train should be developed. The development of model experiment and numerical analysis technique with relation to unsteady flow of subway were presented. The pressure and air velocity changes in 1/20-scaling experiment unit were measured and results were comparied to those of 3-D unsteady numerical analysis applied with sharp interface method. The experimental and numerical results were quantitatively similar and it would be reasonable to apply sharp interface method to analyze the unsteady flow in subway equipped with platform screen door.



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