A Study on the Susceptibility of Single-phase Sensitive Loads and the Three-phase Induction Motor by Voltage Sag

순간전압강하에 의한 단상 민감부하 및 삼상 유도전동기의 외란 민감도에 관한 연구

  • 윤상윤 (LS산전 전력연구소) ;
  • 문종필 (기초전력연구원 전력시스템연구실) ;
  • 김재철 (숭실대 공대 전기공학부) ;
  • 이희태 (숭실대 공대 전기공학부)
  • Published : 2006.01.01


In this paper we explore the susceptibility of common sensitive loads by voltage sags of power distribution systems. The experimental approach was used for obtaining the susceptibility of single-phase loads and the three-phase induction motor. The experimental result of single-phase loads was transformed to the ITIC(Information of Technology Industry Council) format and used for evaluating the adverse impacts of a individual and repetitive sags using the performance contour of the foreign standard data. In order to assess the impact of voltage sags on three-phase induction motor, also, the experiment was peformed. The experiment was focused on the current, torque, and speed loss of the motor during a voltage sag. For comparing the impacts of individual and repetitive voltage sags, the variations of motor torque is focused among the experimental results. The sensitive curves of instantaneous current peak are used to describe the susceptibility of three-phase induction motor and 진so it were used for the quantitative analysis of the impact of three-phase induction motor due to voltage sags. Through the results of experiment, we verified that some types loads have more severe impact at repetitive voltage sags than individual ones and proposed method can be effectively used to evaluate the actual impact of voltage sags.



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