피라네지 공간의 알레고리적 특성에 관한 연구

An Analysis of Allegorian Characteristics of Piranesi's Etching Works

  • 발행 : 2006.02.01


After the 60's, The discourse of the Art of Reception, semiotics, and epistemology have been made steady progress. Especially, the Art of Reception which emphasizes the role of reader in the process of understanding the text, had made the significant role of the Border Dismantling in the Architecture. Its concept can be difined as the free interpretation of each individuals on the art works, that abhors the one-directional systems between reader and writer. This study analyzes the meaning of 'Borderness dismantling' as a molting the center of the world of God, center of Ideology, center of ration in the pluralized and center-cracked world. and also means vague border, no limitation, and overcoming, which make people participate together to overcome the estrangement. The process of study inquire into the phenomenon of fragmentization, indeterminacy, continuitiness, hybridization, mutual penetration, Rhizome and complex allegorization(the process of humanization) Looking back of architectural history, in the origin of those phenomenon, there is the etching works of Piranesi. Many contemporary architects had been affected by his works, and re-interpret and make come true of his visions. This study analyze the meanings of his working process and consequences on contemporary architecture.



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